Logo Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Contact: diversity[at]lisamission.org

Co-chairs: Joey S. Key, Jeremy M. Wachter

The Consortium Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is responsible for all matters pertaining to the core values stated in the Consortium code of conduct. In particular, the Committee organizes DEI activities for Consortium meetings, maintains Consortium documents relevant to DEI, consults on Consortium leadership and committee appointments, and collaborates with DEI professionals and DEI groups within peer organizations such as the Multimessenger Diversity Network (MDN).

We are committed to addressing systemic inequalities through promoting open discussions and by supporting Consortium groups and members in their work to create positive change. These professionals and collaborators engage in the work of challenging and dismantling the structures which permit and propagate oppression based on a person’s race, gender or gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, age, or any other aspect of their identity. Such efforts strengthen our community and support its members, and so contribute to the overall mission of the Consortium.


Some recent events and initiatives from the Committee include + Taking part in the International Day of Women and Girls in Science + Coordinating with the LISA Social Media Team (LSMT) to promote DEI-related events and days of observation + Undertaking a demographics survey of the Consortium in order to better understand the makeup and distribution of our members with respect to markers such as seniority, identity, and location.

Committee membership

The current members of the committee are:

Name Role
Joey S. Key Co-chair
Jeremy M. Wachter Co-chair
Maxence Corman Core member
Saurya Das Core member
Hontas Farmer Core member
Lavinia Heisenberg Core member
Tania Regimbau Core member
Sweta Shah Core member
Nathan Steinle Core member
Elias C. Vagenas Core member
David Shoemaker Observer
Martin Hewitson Observer

The committee solicits applications for new members during each summer, typically June thru August. We meet once per two weeks year-round, with one-month breaks in the winter and summer. If you're interested in getting involved in the committee, or if you have questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, either to the whole committee (diversity[at]lisamission.org) or to any member individually.

DEI resources

The committee has published guidelines for making LISA meetings accessible.

Here are a few resources we believe are of broad use to the LISA community. Inclusion on this list is not meant to imply any official endorsement by the LISA Consortium. + The Multimessenger Diversity Network maintains a list of resources relevant to its member organizations here + Conference organizers can find information about making their meetings more accessible here + Hiring committees can find information about best-practices for faculty searches here (possibly U.S.-specific), here (possibly Canada-specific), or here (possibly Switzerland/Europe-specific).

Ombuds office

Consortium members who seek help due to interpersonal difficulties in the Consortium may work with the Ombuds office for information, advice, and assistance. The DEI committee does not administer the Ombuds office. Please feel free to contact David Shoemaker, dhs[at]mit.edu.

LISA Consortium code of conduct

The Consortium code of conduct may be found here. The Consortium expects all members of any rank to read and abide by this code.