Logo Waveform Working Group (WavWG)

Access: Full and Associate members

Contact: wav-wg-chairs[at]lisamission.org


The Waveform Working Group aims to bring together researchers interested in waveform modeling for LISA. Being a member of the working group is not a commitment to provide anything for the Consortium (this is the role of the Work Packages). Instead the group aims to be a forum for the LISA Consortium to interact with the wider community in the pursuit of LISA waveform models.

The first stand alone meeting of the LISA waveform working group will be held May 13-15, 2019 at the AEI in Potsdam, Germany (Please note that these dates differ from the provisional dates mentioned at the LISA Consortium meeting in Marseille). The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the waveform modelling for LISA in its broadest sense.